Illegitimi Non Carborundum II

Illegitimi Non Carborundum II
Morality is doing what is right regardless of what you are told. Religion is doing what you're told regardless of what is right


Here's a mix of discussion, lecture, and debate. There's a lot of stuff here and I can't recommend any one over another. I don't think there's much that is less then an hour long. Most are longer, some a lot longer.( I have a copy of all of these, and then some, as MP4s in my personal collection. And, yes I've watched all of them. Most more then once

Pascal's Wager
* Why Pascal's Wager isn't valid
Atheist Experience - Jacob uses Pascal's Wager and fails hard
* Atheist Debates - Pascal's Wager Matt Dillahunty
* What If You're Wrong?
Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District   
* NOVA | "Judgment Day: Intelligent Design on Trial" | PBS - YouTube
* Glenn Branch: After Kitzmiller--What? (with Q&A)
* Ken Miller on Intelligent Design And The Kitzmiller-Dover Trial
* Not over after Dover: Kitzmiller trial and the aftermath

Christopher Hitchens
* Debate - William Lane Craig vs Christopher Hitchens - | Does God Exist? |
* Christopher Hitchens on the Ten Commandments (Part 1 of 6)
* Christopher Hitchens on the Ten Commandments (Part 2 of 6)
* Christopher Hitchens on the Ten Commandments (Part 3 of 6)
* Christopher Hitchens on the Ten Commandments (Part 4 of 6)
* Christopher Hitchens on the Ten Commandments (Part 5 of 6)
* Christopher Hitchens on the Ten Commandments (Part 6 of 6)
* The God Debate: Hitchens vs. D'Souza

Hemant Mehta
* 78 Questions for Christians
Skeptics Can Be Gullible Too
* 8 Things Your Pastor Will Never Tell You About the Bible

PZ Myers

PZ Myers "Science Education: Science vs. Religion"
PZ Myers Skepticon 3 
* Skepticon III: Protests and Smackdowns 
* 'Design vs. Chance' by PZ Myers, AAI 2009
* PZ Myers "Science Education: Science vs. Religion"
* The Cambrian Explosion - PZ Myers - Skepticon 6

Sam Harris
* The God Who Wasn't There
* Sam Harris - The End of Faith
* Sam Harris "Believing the unbelievable
* Sam Harris - Does God Have a Future?
* The Future of God Debate Sam Harris and Michael Shermer vs Deepak Chopra and Jean Houston

Lawrence M. Krauss
* Life, the Universe and Nothing (Part 1): Has science buried God?
* Life, the Universe and Nothing (Part 2): Why is there something rather than nothing?
* Life, the Universe and Nothing (Part 3): Is it reasonable to believe there is a God?
* The universe isn t designed for us by Lawrence Krauss
* Science vs God - Does Science Refute God? 
* Lawrence Krauss vs Christians on Q&A
* Evolution vs. Intelligent Design: Lawrence M. Krauss

Sean M. Carroll
* God is not a Good Theory - Sean Carroll (Full)
* Sean M Carroll on Origin of the Universe & the Arrow of Time
* Sean Carroll - The Particle at the End of the Universe
* Purpose and the Universe by Sean M. Carroll, Ph.D (with HD slides) at the 2013 AHA Conference
* Death Is Not Final

Jerry Coyne
* Why Evolution is True and Why Many People Still Don't Believe It (Jerry Coyne, 2012)
* Jerry Coyne - Why SCIENCE and RELIGION Shouldn't Cohabit

Richard Dawkins
* Enemies Of Reason
* The God Delusion
* Richard Dawkins - Rowan Williams (Archbishop of Canterbury)~ Discuss Human Nature & Ultimate Origin
RICHARD DAWKINS: Is The Bible Still Relevant Today
* Richard Dawkins Interviews Creationist Wendy Wright
* Break the Science Barrier w/Richard Dawkins 1080p HD
* Sex, Death And The Meaning Of Life Episode 1 Richard Dawkins (Subs)
* Sex,Death And The Meaning Of Life Episode 2 Richard Dawkins (Subs)
* Sex,Death And The Meaning Of Life Episode 3 Richard Dawkins (Subs)

About NCSE
Who Pulled the Stake Out of Young Earth Creationism?
"Inside Creationism's Trojan Horse"
* Creationism, Evolution, Education--and Politics
What's the fuss about intelligent design? 
* "Biology, the Bible, and the First Amendment" 

William Lane Craig
* William Lane Craig and Sean Carroll "God and Cosmology"

Ed Brayton
* Debate: Is the U.S. Government Founded on the Christian Religion?
* Ed Brayton The Dover Trial
* Violence in Defense of Christian Privilege

Bart D. Ehrman
Richard Carrier
Why the Gospels Are Myth - Dr. Richard Carrier
* Misquoting Jesus in the Bible - Professor Bart D. Ehrman 
* Legends, Fictions, and the Manuscripts that Illustrate Christ's Story
* Bart Ehrman Freedom From Religion Foundation Lecture

Dan Barker
* Dan Barker - Losing Faith in Faith Lecture
* Dan Barker You Don't Have To Go Down in My Basement, Skepticon 4
Dan Barker vs. Rev. Joe Boot - Debate: Is there life after death?
* Is The World Better With Christianity? (Debate) - Eugene Curry vs. Dan Barker
* Dan Barker Vs. Matt Slick Debate: "Does God Exist?"

The Unholy Trinity Tour_U.S.
* The Unholy Trinity Tour: Part 1 of 3 - Matt Dillahunty
* The Unholy Trinity Tour: Part 2 of 3- Seth Andrews
* The Unholy Trinity Tour: Part 3 of 3- AronRa
The Unholy Trinity Tour_ Down Under
* The Unholy Trinity Tour Down Under:"Why Won't You Love Me?" (Version 1)-Matt Dillahunty
The Unholy Trinity Tour Down Under:"Why Won't You Love Me?" (Version 2)-Matt Dillahunty
The Unholy Trinity Tour Down Under:"The Good Old Days"-Seth Andrews
The Unholy Trinity Tour Down Under:"Biblical Absurdity"- AronRa

Matt Dillahunty
Atheist Debates - Morality 
* Atheist Debates - Patterns of Evidence: Exodus - An Assessment 
Matt Dillahunty: The Superiority of Secular Morality
* Challenging Christianity - Matt Dillahunty - Skepticon 7
* The Great Debate - Can Science Tell Us Right From Wrong? (FULL)
Seth Andrews
* Top Ten Creationist Arguments
* Top Ten Creationist Arguments-Part 2
* Seth Andrews: The Ultimate Question
* Get Them While They're Young: How Children are Targeted by the Religious and Why 
This is pretty long, over 2 hrs.
*The Foundational Falsehoods of Creationism 
If the above is too much, here is a playlist of individual sections;
* Foundational Falsehoods of Creationism
* The Failures of Creationism
*Flintstones Archaeology 
* The Evolution of Morality (full lecture)
* Religion Reverses Everything
* Correcting Ken Ham and his Facebook following 

Mr. Deity
* Brian Dalton-Mr.Deity
* The Way of the Mister: Atheist Fundamentalist

Dark Matter 2525
Cartoon shorts
* The Real God: An Epiphany
* Were You There?
* "You Send Yourself To Hell"
* Do Atheists Hate God?

Kenneth R. Miller
*The Collapse of Intelligent Design - Kenneth Miller Lecture
* Science, Religion and Intelligent Design - Paul Nelson vs Kenneth Miller
* Kenneth Miller - Evolution vs. Intelligent Design FULL
This is very long 2:10 but, worth it
* Blind Evolution or Intelligent Design? Bill Dembski/Michael Behe vs. Kenneth Miller/Robert Pennock

Daniel Dennett
* Dan Dennett: Responding to Pastor Rick Warren
* Daniel Dennett on Intelligent Design 

* Neil Tyson presentation about intelligent design
* The Truth About PhD Creationists 
* Does evidence undermine religion? (The Big Questions Series, 18/1/15)
* Victor Stenger The Abuse of Physics by Theist and Spiritualists
* God is an Idiot: God's "Perfect" Plan - JT Eberhard
* Sex Violence in the Bible - David Fitzgerald
* The Big Questions - Is It Time For All Religions To Accept Evolution
* Metaphysical Cherry Picking - Scott Clifton (Theoretical Bullshit) - ReasonFest 2014

* A Brief History of Disbelief: Atheism Documentary Episode 1
* A Brief History of Disbelief: Atheism Documentary Episode 2
* A Brief History of Disbelief: Atheism Documentary Final Episode

* Oklahoma Freethought Convention 2011 (speech 2 of 5) - Abbie Smith
* Oklahoma Freethought Convention 2011 (speech 3 of 5) - The Thinking Atheist
* Oklahoma Freethought Convention 2011 (speech 4 of 5) - AronRa
* Oklahoma Freethought Convention 2011 (speech 5 of 5) - Matt Dillahunty PT 1
* Oklahoma Freethought Convention 2011 (speech 5 of 5) - Matt Dillahunty PT 2

* Atheists: Inside the World of Non-Believers (2015) Caution: Volumn gets pretty funky
* Does God Have a Future? NightLine DEBATE FULL
* Evolution - What Darwin Never Knew - NOVA PBS Documentary
* Neil DeGrasse Tyson on Bill Moyers
* RRS vs. Kirk Cameron / Ray Comfort
* RD Extra: Debating the Amalekite Genocide (MP3 Download) )

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