Illegitimi Non Carborundum II
Here's a mix of discussion, lecture, and debate. There's a lot of stuff here and I can't recommend any one over another. I don't think there's much that is less then an hour long. Most are longer, some a lot longer.( I have a copy of all of these, and then some, as MP4s in my personal collection. And, yes I've watched all of them. Most more then once
Pascal's Wager
* Why Pascal's Wager isn't valid
* Atheist Experience - Jacob uses Pascal's Wager and fails hard
* Atheist Debates - Pascal's Wager Matt Dillahunty
* What If You're Wrong?
Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District
* NOVA | "Judgment Day: Intelligent Design on Trial" | PBS - YouTube
* Glenn Branch: After Kitzmiller--What? (with Q&A)
* Ken Miller on Intelligent Design And The Kitzmiller-Dover Trial
* Not over after Dover: Kitzmiller trial and the aftermath
Christopher Hitchens
* Debate - William Lane Craig vs Christopher Hitchens - | Does God Exist? |
* Christopher Hitchens on the Ten Commandments (Part 1 of 6)
* Christopher Hitchens on the Ten Commandments (Part 2 of 6)
* Christopher Hitchens on the Ten Commandments (Part 3 of 6)
* Christopher Hitchens on the Ten Commandments (Part 4 of 6)
* Christopher Hitchens on the Ten Commandments (Part 5 of 6)
* Christopher Hitchens on the Ten Commandments (Part 6 of 6)
* The God Debate: Hitchens vs. D'Souza
Hemant Mehta
* 78 Questions for Christians
* Skeptics Can Be Gullible Too
* 8 Things Your Pastor Will Never Tell You About the Bible
PZ Myers
* PZ Myers "Science Education: Science vs. Religion"
* PZ Myers Skepticon 3
* Skepticon III: Protests and Smackdowns
* 'Design vs. Chance' by PZ Myers, AAI 2009
* PZ Myers "Science Education: Science vs. Religion"
* The Cambrian Explosion - PZ Myers - Skepticon 6
Sam Harris
* The God Who Wasn't There
* Sam Harris - The End of Faith
* Sam Harris "Believing the unbelievable
* Sam Harris - Does God Have a Future?
* The Future of God Debate Sam Harris and Michael Shermer vs Deepak Chopra and Jean Houston
Lawrence M. Krauss
* Life, the Universe and Nothing (Part 1): Has science buried God?
* Life, the Universe and Nothing (Part 2): Why is there something rather than nothing?
* Life, the Universe and Nothing (Part 3): Is it reasonable to believe there is a God?
* The universe isn t designed for us by Lawrence Krauss
* Science vs God - Does Science Refute God?
* Lawrence Krauss vs Christians on Q&A
* Evolution vs. Intelligent Design: Lawrence M. Krauss
Sean M. Carroll
* God is not a Good Theory - Sean Carroll (Full)
* Sean M Carroll on Origin of the Universe & the Arrow of Time
* Sean Carroll - The Particle at the End of the Universe
* Purpose and the Universe by Sean M. Carroll, Ph.D (with HD slides) at the 2013 AHA Conference
* Death Is Not Final
Jerry Coyne
* Why Evolution is True and Why Many People Still Don't Believe It (Jerry Coyne, 2012)
* Jerry Coyne - Why SCIENCE and RELIGION Shouldn't Cohabit
Richard Dawkins
* Enemies Of Reason
* The God Delusion
* Richard Dawkins - Rowan Williams (Archbishop of Canterbury)~ Discuss Human Nature & Ultimate Origin
* RICHARD DAWKINS: Is The Bible Still Relevant Today
* Richard Dawkins Interviews Creationist Wendy Wright
* Break the Science Barrier w/Richard Dawkins 1080p HD
* Sex, Death And The Meaning Of Life Episode 1 Richard Dawkins (Subs)
* Sex,Death And The Meaning Of Life Episode 2 Richard Dawkins (Subs)
* Sex,Death And The Meaning Of Life Episode 3 Richard Dawkins (Subs)
About NCSE
* Who Pulled the Stake Out of Young Earth Creationism?
* "Inside Creationism's Trojan Horse"
* Creationism, Evolution, Education--and Politics
* What's the fuss about intelligent design?
* "Biology, the Bible, and the First Amendment"
William Lane Craig
* William Lane Craig and Sean Carroll "God and Cosmology"
Ed Brayton
* Debate: Is the U.S. Government Founded on the Christian Religion?
* Ed Brayton The Dover Trial
* Violence in Defense of Christian Privilege
Bart D. Ehrman
Richard Carrier
* Why the Gospels Are Myth - Dr. Richard Carrier
* Misquoting Jesus in the Bible - Professor Bart D. Ehrman
* Legends, Fictions, and the Manuscripts that Illustrate Christ's Story
* Bart Ehrman Freedom From Religion Foundation Lecture
Dan Barker
* Dan Barker - Losing Faith in Faith Lecture
* Dan Barker You Don't Have To Go Down in My Basement, Skepticon 4
* Dan Barker vs. Rev. Joe Boot - Debate: Is there life after death?
* Is The World Better With Christianity? (Debate) - Eugene Curry vs. Dan Barker
* Dan Barker Vs. Matt Slick Debate: "Does God Exist?"
The Unholy Trinity Tour_U.S.
* The Unholy Trinity Tour: Part 1 of 3 - Matt Dillahunty
* The Unholy Trinity Tour: Part 2 of 3- Seth Andrews
* The Unholy Trinity Tour: Part 3 of 3- AronRa
The Unholy Trinity Tour_ Down Under
* The Unholy Trinity Tour Down Under:"Why Won't You Love Me?" (Version 1)-Matt Dillahunty
* The Unholy Trinity Tour Down Under:"Why Won't You Love Me?" (Version 2)-Matt Dillahunty
* The Unholy Trinity Tour Down Under:"The Good Old Days"-Seth Andrews
* The Unholy Trinity Tour Down Under:"Biblical Absurdity"- AronRa
Matt Dillahunty
* Atheist Debates - Morality
* Atheist Debates - Patterns of Evidence: Exodus - An Assessment
* Matt Dillahunty: The Superiority of Secular Morality
* Challenging Christianity - Matt Dillahunty - Skepticon 7
* The Great Debate - Can Science Tell Us Right From Wrong? (FULL)
Seth Andrews
* Top Ten Creationist Arguments
* Top Ten Creationist Arguments-Part 2
* Seth Andrews: The Ultimate Question
* Get Them While They're Young: How Children are Targeted by the Religious and Why
This is pretty long, over 2 hrs.
*The Foundational Falsehoods of Creationism
If the above is too much, here is a playlist of individual sections;
* Foundational Falsehoods of Creationism
* The Failures of Creationism
*Flintstones Archaeology
* The Evolution of Morality (full lecture)
* Religion Reverses Everything
* Correcting Ken Ham and his Facebook following
Mr. Deity
* Brian Dalton-Mr.Deity
* The Way of the Mister: Atheist Fundamentalist
Dark Matter 2525
Cartoon shorts
* The Real God: An Epiphany
* Were You There?
* "You Send Yourself To Hell"
* Do Atheists Hate God?
Kenneth R. Miller
*The Collapse of Intelligent Design - Kenneth Miller Lecture
* Science, Religion and Intelligent Design - Paul Nelson vs Kenneth Miller
* Kenneth Miller - Evolution vs. Intelligent Design FULL
This is very long 2:10 but, worth it
* Blind Evolution or Intelligent Design? Bill Dembski/Michael Behe vs. Kenneth Miller/Robert Pennock
Daniel Dennett
* Dan Dennett: Responding to Pastor Rick Warren
* Daniel Dennett on Intelligent Design
* Neil Tyson presentation about intelligent design
* The Truth About PhD Creationists
* Does evidence undermine religion? (The Big Questions Series, 18/1/15)
* Victor Stenger The Abuse of Physics by Theist and Spiritualists
* God is an Idiot: God's "Perfect" Plan - JT Eberhard
* Sex Violence in the Bible - David Fitzgerald
* The Big Questions - Is It Time For All Religions To Accept Evolution
* Metaphysical Cherry Picking - Scott Clifton (Theoretical Bullshit) - ReasonFest 2014
* A Brief History of Disbelief: Atheism Documentary Episode 1
* A Brief History of Disbelief: Atheism Documentary Episode 2
* A Brief History of Disbelief: Atheism Documentary Final Episode
* Oklahoma Freethought Convention 2011 (speech 2 of 5) - Abbie Smith
* Oklahoma Freethought Convention 2011 (speech 3 of 5) - The Thinking Atheist
* Oklahoma Freethought Convention 2011 (speech 4 of 5) - AronRa
* Oklahoma Freethought Convention 2011 (speech 5 of 5) - Matt Dillahunty PT 1
* Oklahoma Freethought Convention 2011 (speech 5 of 5) - Matt Dillahunty PT 2
* Atheists: Inside the World of Non-Believers (2015) Caution: Volumn gets pretty funky
* Does God Have a Future? NightLine DEBATE FULL
* Evolution - What Darwin Never Knew - NOVA PBS Documentary
* Neil DeGrasse Tyson on Bill Moyers
* RRS vs. Kirk Cameron / Ray Comfort
* RD Extra: Debating the Amalekite Genocide (MP3 Download) )
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